Against the Armenian slanders, we speak to the world in English and French: Nous parlons au monde contre les calomnies arméniennes en Anglais et Français
Against the Armenian slanders, we speak to the world in English, French and German:
Nous parlons au monde contre les calomnies arméniennes en anglais, français et allemand:
To the attention ofpeople:
As April 25 approaches, there’s a strange activity this time, which differentiates this year from the the previous years. The Jewish Lobby, which has been against the Armenian agenda in the US, seems to have changed its stance on the issue. Likely the decision by the US, recognizing the Golan Heights as part of Israel against the resolution by the UN Security Council, has played a key role in this change. Perhaps President Trump seeks Israeli and Jewish support in advance, before –in case- he confirms the Armenian discourse. Publication of a book by the Harvard University Press penned by two authors from Tel Aviv University by Harvard University Press, claiming the “Turks killed millions of Christians” nonsense also points in this direction. Decisions by Italy and France also indicate that Turkey is to be put under greater pressure.
Campaigns on the international stage exploiting Armenian claims twisting history and manipulating truth will surely have a detrimental effect on world peace, especially on our region’s security concerns and stability.
We would like to reiterate a few facts as the campaigns continue:
Armenian terrorists rebelled against their sovereign, the Turkish Ottoman Empire, ambushed and killed Turkish security personnel in 1895, in the Zeytun district of the Maraş Province. This started a series of rebellions that lasted till 1914, during which many of civilians were massacred and property was assaulted.
According to the decision by Dashnak Congress held in Sofia in 1904, armed Armenians were to intensify their activities in İstanbul and İzmir; and public buildings, including the Seat of Government, Galata Bridge, the Tunnel (Ottoman Era subway in İstanbul), Banque Ottomane, embassies, many other public and private buildings were to be bombed. In this context, the reigning Sultan Abdülhamid II was saved from a bombing attack on July 21, 1905 in Yıldız Mosque, by pure luck.
Armed Armenian bands, taking advantage of Ottoman Empire’s entry into war in 1914, started a series of massacres and large scale ethnic cleansing operations in collaboration with the enemy. Only in Van, 80.000 ethnic Turks were killed. Behind the scenes, promises of an independent Armenian state by the Allied powers played a serious role in these massacres.
Between 1895 and 1920, during the repetitive armed rebellions of the Armenians, lasting more than half a century, 2.565.000 Turks and Muslims were killed, 1.650.000 migrated westward due to Armenian attacks, and half of them were lost on the long route.
Facing this extreme situation, the Turkish Ottoman Empire was forced to enact the “Relocation and Resettlement Law” and moved Armenians away from the war zone to safer zones, such as Syria.
Following WWI, an international court was established in Malta in 1918, to investigate Armenian claims. Meanwhile, İstanbul, the then Turkish capital, was under occupation, the sultan was under detention, all witnesses were alive and all state archives were under direct command of the prosecution. Even under indicating such circumstances, the case was dismissed on 29 July 1921, due to “lack of any evidence of genocide”.
Between 1973 and 1985 the Armenian terrorist organization ASALA, killed 43 innocent Turkish diplomats and embassy employees in several western countries, including the US. This is a real genocide. Inherently political in nature. On the other hand, the so-called “genocide-decisions” issued in various parliaments, are illegal endeavors of those who keep supporting terrorism, believing they are going to fulfill their – mostly domestic – poilitical goals this way.
We should raise our voice on the massacres and the actual genocide perpetrated by Armenian armed mobs on Azerbaijani Turks in February 1992, in Karabakh and Khojaly regions, led by Armen Sarkissian, now President of Armenia.
Today, 20% of Azerbaijan’s territory is under occupation and due to this illegal occupation more than one million Azerbaijani Turks are internal refugees, forced to leave their hometowns. These facts were ascertained and announced by United Nations decisions.
In the light of these truths, efforts of some western countries and the US, to incriminate Turkey, violates both human sense of justice and and human rights, is unlawful, and therefore, unacceptable.
We invite conscientious people to act and interfere for truth and halt base political defamation of a nation.
With all due respect,
Sadi Somuncuoğlu
President of MDM
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(Fransızca metin)
Un appel au monde entier : Nous avons raison et nous défendrons nos vérités jusqu’ à la fin!
Le 24 avril arrive. Il y a un mouvement différent du monde occidental comme jamais ressenti auparavant. Jusqu’ à aujourd’hui aux États-Unis également le lobby juif opposé aux revendications arméniennes a changé d’attitude, pour raison que malgré la décision du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, les États-Unis ont reconnu les collines du Golan comme territoire israélien. On y voit le récit du président Trump sur la perspective de recevoir le soutien du lobby israélien et juif en cas d’approbation de la rhétorique arménienne. Deux des auteurs de l’Université de Tel-Aviv, on prit en mains des histoires vraiment absurdes et qui n’ont rien avoir avec les réalités comme soi-disant que les Turcs avaient assassiné des millions de chrétiens, publié par la presse de l’université de Harvard. Les décisions prisent par la France et L’Italie confirmant les revendications des Arméniens nous montrent clairement et purement l’effet de vouloir mettre la Turquie sous une forte pression politique et historique.
Les campagnes qui sont menés de manière erronée avec intention de mauvaise fois sur la victimisation toute en projetant l’histoire sur la problématique arménienne, risque d’affecter la paix mondiale et surtout métreras en difficulté la sécurité ainsi que la stabilité de notre région.
Il serait utile de rappeler les vérités contre les campagnes de mauvaises volontés ;
Ce sont les terroristes arméniens qui ont ouvert la bannière de la rébellion contre l’Etat turc ottoman, et qui ont martyrisé nos forces de sécurité dans la ville de Marash Zeytun en 1895. De nombreux civils innocents ont été tués et plus d’une centaine de personnes ont été assassinées par les impitoyables arméniens, de nombreux biens publics ont été attaqués également.
Selon la décision prise par l’organisation Dashnak à Sofia en janvier 1904, des actions intenses seront menées à Istanbul et à Izmir. Le centre gouvernemental, le pont de Galata, le tunnel, la banque ottomane, les ambassades, les institutions privées et publiques vont être exploser. Pendant ces évènements l’intervention des Etats européens sera assuré sur les lieux. Dans ce contexte, le vendredi 21 juillet 1905 à l’attentat à la bombe perpétré dans la Mosque Yıldız, II. Abdülhamid avait survécu par hasard.
Lorsque l’Etat turc ottoman était en guerre en 1914, les ennemies qui avaient su profiter de cette occasion ont commencé des massacres terribles et un nettoyage ethnique, et ont eu recours à tous les moyens, y compris à la coopération avec l’ennemi sur le front. Seulement a Van 80.000 Turcs ont été assassinés.